Monday, September 30, 2013

Faith Speaks!

Faith is believing God's Word.  Faith is really not hard. It simply means to say no to anything that is contrary to the Word of God. God wants us to give Him our 100% trust, not looking to the left nor to the right.  To walk in faith, you must refuse to consider what you see with your optical eyes. Remember, true faith must be voiced. Faith has a voice. It is not enough to believe the Word of God only with your must also give voice to what you believe before you can experience the change you seek. Romans 10:10 NKJV...."For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
The Word of God is given to us so we can learn how to talk like God; for we are created in His image and can only enjoy life when we start paying attention to HIM. Hebrews 13:5-6 NKJV, "For He Himself has said,....So we may boldly say.."   God wants us to speak HIS language...the Word.
When you hear the gospel and you believe, then your must speak the Word to live the life God has designed for you. That is faith. Faith speaks...the righteousness of faith speaks. II Corinthians 4:13 NKJV..."And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do You Believe This?

Hello Readers,

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Well, you must wonder what the world is turning to with all the terrible news we hear everyday.  People are being slaughtered's like the human life is now worth a dime a dozen.  However, you must not give up, you must not allow yourself to be troubled if you are in Christ.  A child of God can never die, we just pass on from one glory to the highest level of glory!  Jesus said in John 11 verse 25-26,
"...I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” 

Jesus made this remarkable statement to Martha before he raised Lazarus from the dead. Obviously, Martha either did not understand or believed Jesus because of the question Jesus asked her in verse 40 of the same chapter.  I believe the Master is also asking us this same question today. "DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?"  Do you trust Him with your life? Do you believe that as a Christian, you can never die?

Never let fear take over your life. Submit yourself to prayer and to God's Word of God.  Let the Word be your ultimate guide in life. A Christian can never die! In fact a Christian does not feel the pain of death because Jesus tasted death for every man.

"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." (Hebrews 2:9).   

You must believe it, it's the Word of God and it's true. Know that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and you can never loose.  It's a win-win situation for the Christian, it's either we stay here and keep winning or we go to heaven which is even more glorious.  When you wake up in the morning, pray, dedicate that day to the Lord. Pray that you will be at the right place at the right time and no evil will befall you and your loved ones in the name of Jesus.  The days for lukewarm Christianity are over, we all need to be strong in the Lord, strong in faith and encourage one another in love. Read your Bible, meditate on the Word of God, go to church, have fellowship with God, with your brothers and sisters in the Lord and then let the will of God be done in your life.  It is well.