Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dwell In The Love Of God!

First of all, I want to apologize for my long absence on this blog.

I bring greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God's love for us is overwhelming.
If you're a Christian, then you know that God is all powerful and He is the Almighty. He is Self-existing, Self-sufficient Being. Without any beginning nor an ending. 
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Do you know that God loves you? You probably do, but do you know how much He loves you?  This question is not for a mere mental acknowledgment where we say 'oh yeah, I know God loves me, He died for my sins.'   Maybe a better question should be, What have you done with the love of God?  Are you living everyday in the consciousness of God's love for you? If you are, then why are you overwhelmed by life's challenges?  Why do you feel hopeless and helpless about your situation? Why do you speak negatively? Why are you running from pillar to post? If God loves me and He is the Almighty, then life should be a ball for me right?

Fact is most of us know about His love but we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by life's challenges that we forget to tap into the strength which God's love provides. Sunday is not enough for us to bask in the love of God. Even additional Wednesday service is not enough either. We must spend quality time each day in the presence of God basking in His love.  Read your Bible, meditate on the Word of God, sing praises to Him, tell Him how much you love Him and let His presence, His glory fill you up.  Then as you go about your daily activities, always take moment to put up your hands in worship even if for five seconds. Tell Him you love Him and thank Him for loving you.  If you don't have a friend to talk to, talk to Jesus. Make Jesus your friend. He is the Friend that sticks closer than a brother.(Prov 18:24).  Revelation 3:20 Jesus said, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  Beloved, Jesus is knocking, open the door for Him. You don't have to go through all that by yourself. You really don't have to. Let Him come in and make it better for you.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Please Read Your Bible.

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As Christians, it is our responsibility to know who we are in Christ. To know our relationship with God, who He is, who He is to us.  We need to know who we are in Him, why He created us, our rights, our purpose and all that. 
The messages we listen to every Sunday in church is not enough, even if you do attend the mid-week service.  They are not enough to get us through life battles.  Life is spiritual, in fact things happen first in the spiritual realm before you see them in the physical realm.  We are not ordinary people and we have an adversary who is against the children of God who is equally not physical but spiritual.  So our fight is spiritual and as such we must equip ourselves spiritually with God's Word for God's Word is His Power.  

That you go to church, pay your tithes, serve in church is not enough.  That you are upright, you hardly can hurt a fly is not gonna stop the devil from coming to your territory to attack you. We need to always be on the offensive, surround ourselves with the Word of God, study and meditate on the Scripture always.  So here's a few question:  How many hours do you give to God in prayer everyday? How many hours or minutes do you spend studying the Bible everyday?  Do you have messages that you listen to over and over again.  If you are stuck in traffic, what are you listening to? The Bible says that we should be spiritually minded; this means we are to be more conscious of the spirit world than the earthly realm. God is a Spirit, man is equally a spirit, we just live in our bodies..the spirit of a man checks out of the body when he passes on.  Since God is a Spirit, we can only relate to Him from the realm of the Spirit.  Remember, John 1 chapter 1 says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."   This means if we wanna know more about God, we have to study the Word which is the Bible, listen to messages about Him and pay attention to His Word.

The main reason for this post is this id for us to make an effort to know God better. Make up your mind to make your relationship with God better, especially if you are going through some issues.  Pray more, pray in faith..stop spending time watching worldly movies, listening to worldly songs that will not benefit you.  Get to the Word of God, don't push it back to once in a week, make it a lifestyle and watch how your life will turn around from glory to glory. 

Thanks for reading and may God bless you real good in Jesus name.