Monday, January 14, 2013

Praise God, Even When You Don't Feel Like.

Revelation 4:11 KJV,  "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

It's easy to give God praise when everything is alright, but hard to even think of worship when things are not exactly going the way we want them to go. (I know 'cos I've been there).   I believe that our strength lies in praising God which brings us joy in the Holy Ghost for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Nehemiah 8 verse 10.

Give thanks to God always whether good or bad, just try and remove sad thoughts from your minds, find something good to think about, maybe the fact that you are alive...sing a song, do a dance, shout hallelujah!  Never allow yourself to be sad, 'cos that's where the devil wants you to be.  Sadness breathes fear, it causes depression and everything negative.  No matter what situation you find yourself in, always remember all things are working together for your good.  Romans 8 verse 28.


  1. Great job. Keep it up and stay blessed always.

  2. All things r working together for my good!! Yes!!
    Tanku so much for this reminder

  3. Thank you guys.. God bless you both and pls do tell others about the blog too.

  4. I agree that we should praise God always because he is ALWAYS worthy. However i don't agree that we should "not allow ourselves to be sad". We are allowed to be sad because sad stuff happens. Jesus got sad and cried sometimes. Remember that in our weakness that's when we are strongest!

  5. I agree that we should always praise God no matter what because he is ALWAYS worthy. However, i disagree that we should "never allow ourselves to be sad". We are allowed to be sad because sad stuff happens. Jesus got sad and cried sometimes. It's a common myth to think that because we are Christians, nothing bad will happen to us and that being sad is a sign of not living life to the full. It's not true!! Remember, in our weakness, that's when we are strongest! 2 Corinthians 12 v 10!!!

  6. Oh, and also: 2 Corinthians 6 v 10: Sorrowful, but always rejoicing. It's okay to be sad because we can rejoice at the same time!
