Tuesday, January 1, 2013

More Nuggets for you for 2013.

Praying amiss is like trying to use the wrong key to open a lock/door. It doesn't matter how long you keep trying, it will not open until you use the right key.(meanwhile u are still praying). Praying the wrong way will make you a frustrated Christian, you will even start doubting God.

Learn to pray with revelation...it makes praying more interesting n very effective. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray and please pray according to the Word of God.


  1. And pray also according †o †he will of God....well, His will is in His word, so praying according †o His word covers i† too. Ask according †o His will and you won'† be denied.

    1. You are correct, His will is in his Word. One of them is to pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus. Another is also to pray in Faith.
