Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year Y'all. Welcome to 2013, Your Year of Favor!

As uttered from the Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

"Thus saith The Lord in 2013:
I have given you my word and i am your strength. i am your life. Have no fear, for I am with you. Have no fear... Fear not the night nor the darkness. For the darkness has no power over you, and the wicked shall not overcome you...
For you are mine saith The Lord, the evil shall bow before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
For I am your strength saith The Lord. I have enabled you. I have empowered you.
My hand is upon you, and I have exalted you with my hand of righteousness for thou are mine saith The Lord.
Thus saith The Lord, I have given you an understanding heart and my wisdom is perfected in you. Walk in the light of my word. I have made you victorious in all things therefore walk in victory. Walk in the consciousness of victory. Do not look at the shadows for I have laughed at the enemy. I have laughed at the adversary. Therefore consider him not. Consider not your adversaries for they are fallen before you.

I have exalted you...
For in this year of Favour saith The Lord I will demonstrate my glory before you and men shall know that you are mine.
For you shall show forth my praise saith The Lord and your mouth shall be filled with testimonies of my goodness. I am your shield... It is your year of favour. So saith The Lord unto you...."
Make sure you are live everyday in the favor of God. Speak favor over your life and expect favor everywhere you go. Also reach out to others in favor. May God bless you, have a prosperous 2013.


  1. Amen,In JESUS Name,Glory be to GOD!

  2. Amen,In JESUS Name,Glory be to GOD!

  3. YES I KNEW YOU JUST HAD TO BE A SPIRITUAL DAUGHTER OF PST Chris, after glancing through your blog(through Linda Ikeji) for the first time i realized that you function in deeper form of wisdom not many Christians have taped into. Although I'm not from BLW I'm greatly inspired by God sent Pastor Chris. Please keep the post going. I love this
