Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Staying Power....'And The Violent Ones Take It By Force!'

Jesus said in Matthew chapter 11 verse 12,  "And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent ones take it by force."

Some Christians give up too soon. With a little pressure from the devil, they give up thinking that God has abandoned them.  This reminds me of the Israelites (in the book of Exodus), they saw how God delivered them from Pharaoh and the Egyptians with a mighty hand, they just witnessed Moses part the Red Sea, saw the same sea swallow the Egyptian Army.  Despite all these miracles, they lamented, cried and wanted to kill Moses because they felt God abandoned them. 

As a Child of God, never give up, No Matter What You Are Going Through!  You must learn to have a staying power.  It is a faith-thing.  Don't change your confession, continue praying and praising God, calling forth what you need as though you have it already.  Never consider the negative picture the devil puts in front of you. Stay in the Word of God and have a positive mindset.  Make up your mind never to give up. It's called the fight of faith. Make sure at the end of it all, you are the only one standing...never let the devil win for you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Believe.


  1. I checked out this blog thinking it was something about invitation to a banquet-physical food, but this is much more than food that we eat and digest.
    I woke up this morning asking God where is His face? Am I going to suffer forever? But now I don't need the answers, He will show up. He has done it in the past, He is unchangeable. I should just continue trusting in Him!
    Thank you.
    God bless!

  2. Thank you for ur nuggets of wisdom though its hard to hang in dere wen u go tru tough times, by seeing the light at the end of the tunnel it pays to trust God.
    Thank u.

  3. Aww, thanks guys...this is worth the effort...Even if it touches just one persons life. May God be praised. God bless you both.

  4. @ thebanquethall, love the tenacity. touching lives one at a time
