Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Get Rid Of Bitterness and Un-forgiveness Fast!

Beloved, you cannot afford to allow bitterness and un-forgiveness to reside in you. It will cost you a lot.  Remember, since God is love, bitterness and un-forgiveness will hinder the flow of God's power in your life.  This can push you out of grace,  it can expose you to the attack of the enemy and hinder your prayers. In fact, un-forgiveness can keep you sick.  1 John 2:9, "He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now."  Be quick to forgive and receive forgiveness. It is quite simple just make up your mind to forgive and receive forgiveness.  Let peace reign in your life, refuse to take things too personal.  If you consider your own errors of which God forgave you for, then you should be able to forgive others fast.

Hebrews 12:14-15, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled"  If you are expecting a miracle in your life, if you want to grow in the things of God, if you want God to hear and answer your prayers, get rid of every bitterness and un-forgiveness in you. Ask God to help you, then make an effort, show some love.  Remember, perfect love casts out fear..nothing can break the power of love, the devil can't stand love so he fights it, but always make sure you are walking in love. You can do it if you are a child of God because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Romans 5:5.


  1. Нi! Thіs post сouldn't be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this page to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing!

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  2. Forgiveness is a powerfull tool to be on God's side,though might not easy as it is been pronounced, but with God grace we can all forgive who ever has/will trespass against us.
    "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us" Mat 6:12

  3. I need a clarrification: Can I actually forgive & FORGET the wrong smbody has done to me? Is there a place for forgetfullness in the scripture? pls respond if u ar there!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Forgetting the wrongs done against you comes over a period of time. How u know u have forgiven the person is if you don't feel hurt when u remember the deed. E.g. if i hurt u, and u claim u forgive me, if u see me or remember it, do u feel bitter, angry etc?
      Forgetting comes later, but forgiveness comes first. The devil may try to paint the picture over n over so u can get angry, just remember that God also forgave you ur sins n expects u yo do the same to others as well.
      Once u forgive, n u r sure about that...u gat nothing to worry abt anymore.

    2. What if you were sexually abused and raped? Will you be able not to feel hurt just because you have forgiven?

    3. As painful as it is being sexually abused, you owe it to urself to move on else life will be hard. Forgiveness is not easy for anyone who is not saved. This is bc it is God that gives us the grace to forgive. I was watching TBN on a very good day, this older man talked abt how his stepped father raped him as a little boy less than six yrs until his early teens n his mom flogged him for reporting him. Don't know which one is more painful, the rape or the mom's betrayal. Thank God he got saved early enough to heal, it took some time, but he had to go look for the man n told the man that he has 4given him, that was when he-the victim began to heal.

      If he didn't take that step, he wld hv been miserable for the rest of his life. If u feel hurt, cast the hurt to Jesus, ask the Holy Ghost to heal u. You gotta do what u gotta do else u the victim of rape will also become a victim of pain n hurt for the rest of ur life. This is y pple drink, do drugs, prostitute, even kill. It's not worth it. I pray that God will heal all wounds from wounded hearts in Jesus name.

  4. Thanks for sharing, if i may ask...forgiving comes first, forgetting later & gradually, can you forgot completely each time you see the person in question and you are not even hurt?

    1. If you are a born again Christian, then forgiveness should be very very easy for you. It comes with the package that God gives us His children. When you forgive,even you yourself will know. Remember, forgiveness is more important for you than the person that hurt you.

      When you forgive, if u are in contact with the person that hurt you, reach out to them in love..Jesus said we should pray for our enemies, do u pray for them? There's no way u will pray for ur enemy and still feel the hurt. If u still feel hurt, then ask God to take the pain away from you. He will.
      Personally, I remember how God forgave me my sins and also that it will hurt me more if I don't forgive. Why shld I subject myself to anger, bitterness n pain,meanwhile, the person that hurt me is busy enjoying life? No way! I choose to forgive. There's so much evil in the world, I don't want anything to shortchange me in this race. Jesus is my ultimate price, and if He says forgive, ah sharp sharp I go forgive..lol.
      Life is easier that way..if u feel hurt and pain each time u see the person, go and show the person some love, hug them, pray for them, greet them, tell them about Jesus. God will definitely strengthen you in Jesus name.

  5. Tnx a lot 4 dis post it really help mi dis morning, cus since I woke up dis morning have bin feeling sadness in ma heart. I even took it on some1 d@ hurt mi some months back.... Tnx u so much

  6. This blog is a blessing. Let me add that if you are hurt by smone n it happens that when u sight the person u always fell angred, just let the ground opened up and swallow this fellow... that what the bible refers to as RESENTMENT. Every feeling that makes us to see the other person as the "devil" should be reported immidiately to the Holy Spirit so that HE can take care of it.
    I lov this spiritual round table call blog.


  8. Let spread the goodnews here, tell atleast 2 people about this blessed blog in a day.

  9. listten to my story, I have a neighbour who I helps alot, be it food, money even taking care of her kids in her absent, she offended me by spreading rumours that my husband is asking her out, she did not just tell one person but so many people, later when I heard the news I decided to ignore her but her husband later called my husband and raised the issue not just between them but in a public place, the thing resulted to quarrel during which her husband told her in my face to stop associating with us, since then all we do in just greet, no talking but deep inside me I am still hurt because i expected her to inform me if atall my husband made such approach. I have sworn not to have anything to do with them till I pack out of the house, am I offending God.

    1. Sorry this response is coming late. Your story is quite sad especially when all you did was to be nice to this lady and her family. But you see, you are the one upset..(she may be, she may not be upset like u, but we are talking about you). Have you watched the Passion of Christ? It is one movie that motivates me. How can I possibly not forgive anything after what Jesus did for me? What about my owns sins? Am I better? Just because I didn't commit the exact sin you committed does not mean that I am without sin; and if I expect God to forgive me and continue to forgive me then I have to do the same.
      Each time you forgive you are subduing your flesh and taking a step closer to God. Be like your Father in heaven and let the love of God overtake you. Go and read 1Corinthians 13 and do a checklist for your life, that's what I do, I deliberately put a concsious effort to walk in love and I know I can thru Christ which strengthens me.
      I always remember that forgiveness is not for the person who offended me, but for me. Trust me, by your own strength, it's not easy but do it in the name of the Lord. Laugh at the enemy's face by walking in complete love.
      When you do good to people, don't do it expecting them to pay you back, do it knowing that God is watching you and will reward you more than you can ever imagine. I pray that God will console you, bless your marriage and grant you plenty of joy and peace in Jesus name. It is well with you in Jesus mighty name.
