One of the steps we must take if we want to change situations is paying attention to our thoughts. The mind is the battlefield for every man. If you are going to be successful in life, it starts with your mind. The devil attacks the mind with horrible, negative, destructive thoughts of defeat, hopelessness, helplessness, anger, fear, unbelief etc. However, we must learn how to occupy our thoughts with the Word of God, resist the devil, cast out negative thoughts by meditating on God's Word and by speaking the Word! If you don't do that, these thoughts will become a stronghold that will direct the outcome of your life. This is because sooner or later, you will say what you think. "...for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, Mathew 12:34." And soon as you say it, it becomes a reality for Jesus said, "For by your words thou shall be justified, and by your words, thou shall be condemned." Matthew 12:37.
Even though we are not responsible for the negative thoughts that come into our minds, we are not supposed to accept them. This is because we can unconsciously accept these negative thoughts and make them our own..How? When we say it/give it a voice, hence; Jesus said, "Therefore take no thoughts, saying..." Matthew 6:31. Never allow negative words come out of your mouth! If you are a mother, no matter how annoyed you may be with your kids, never say anything negative..don't call them names like 'stupid', and don't let anyone call your kids any negative name either. Words are powerful. Refuse to dwell on negative thoughts and fill your thinking with the Word of God, let His Word be the only dominating force in your mind. Remember, our fight is not physical it is spiritual. "For our weapons of warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (ideas); casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..." 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5.
"The Word of God is not magical, it is practical"...Sharper than any two-edged sword. It answers to those who know how to appropriate it well. Thank you for sharing